jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job would be one in where I could work in a poor community, work in field to help them, maybe in a town council, or in a NGO. For this kind of jobs you need to be a sociable person, you need to be creative, organized, and you need to be patient and diplomatic, because when you work with many people probably some differences emerge or problems among the work group. But the most important, you need be there on your own accord. This is very important, you need to work in a place where you are happy. I think I would be good in this job because I really wanna work with the people, I am studying this carreer to make changes in their lives. But not big changes, I don`t intent to be famous or change the world, maybe make them feel important for somebody, could change their lives. Find a job like this isn`t really complicated, because most of the people don`t wanna work with the communities, in our days the most important is the money, so working for little money isn´t the first option for them.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Favorite Subject.

My favorite subject this semester is Introducton to the government studies and public administration. My Professor in this subject is Mrs. Karina Doña, she was a student from this school in 1992. I like this subject because it relates directly to the practice of our carrer, this subject is about theory and practice, not only theory like other subjects. In this class you must learn about the history of the career, about different schools in the world, about important writers in this area, and you learn about the history to this University, about the public administration studies in Chile, and about the organization and operation to the State, and how the government works. You should pass this subjet because if you don`t pass it, you can´t take other subjects next semester, or next year. You will have a class with Mrs. Doña again, because in fourth year she gives the "Administrative Theory" chair.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

About Mr. Ken Robinson exposure

I think this video is very interesting, because Ken Robinson talks about the public educations systems around the world. He says the schools prepares children for their futures and teaches the same subjects and with the same focus as the XIX century schools. So the children are prepares to entry in the university, for work, and for live without mistakes, their couldn´t fail. Mr. Robinson says all children have an amazing creativity, but the educational program taught them to use only intellectual tools and it doesn´t consider artistic skills. Personally, I think Mr. Robinson is right, but we can´t bring the system as the only guilty in this situation. In our days there are others schools calls “alternatives”. In this school, the children learn math, language, science and history, but they learn music, dance, drama, arts, and many others things. But the parents doesn´t choose it, because society prefer students from traditional education system.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

I think the best is Javiera Carrera. She fight over our independence with her brothers, in a stage in wich the women wasn`t important for society. When her brother, Jose Miguel, was the supreme director, she makes the first flag of our country, and the coat of arms. A writer in this period said she was the Jose Miguel`s politic councillor. I admire she, because she was A woman fighting with many others men, so she has to fight her own independence batlle against the male thought, and prove that she was as inteligent and capable as men. She was a very valient woman. After the independence, when the supreme diretor was Bernardo O`Higgins, the Carrera brothers, Jose Miguel, Juan Jose and Luis, was killed, she has to inter her brothers. She was married two times, but she never change her last name for her housband last name. She was a free woman, before Chile was a free country.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

About my Future.

In five years from now, I will be finished my career, so I will go to study in France, in the E.N.A (The Nacional School of Administration). Then I will return to Chile, and I will work in the Minister of Education. I will make some reforms to improve the public education sistem, because I think education is the most important work for finish with the poor,so if Chile wish be a development country, we should get better the education. When I will return from France, I will live with my parents for a time, and after a few month I will live alone in an aparment in the dowtown. My ideal future is work for the people. My hapiness is in make happy the other people, so I don`t care the money, or be a famous person. I wanna work, and have some time for spend with my family, or friends, or working with the poor people.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I`m studing Public Administration. The career it is about the adinistration to the state, we work for the goverment, it is about the publics affairs, we administrate the public finances. I choice this career because I wanna work for make real changes. The people always say that all in the goverment is bad, but they never do something for change it, so I decided entry here for make changes. I like about it the multidisciplinary approach, we study histoty, economy, law, sociology, administration, filosofy, etc. so you are a very complete profesional. But I dislilke about it the building of the school, because it is in a poor condition, and it is small. I hope learn about the work in the state, for be a good worker, I hope work for make a better country, I wanna build a nation with oportunities for all the people.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

The Picture That I Like

When I was a girl, a photografher comes to our house for take some pictures. He take many pictures, because in the house was all my family. In one of these I appear with my little brother. In this time I was 8 or 9 years old, and my brother was 4 years old. In the photo, we are so happy, with a big smile. In the photo we are as a very good friends, but actually we aren`t. We are always fighting, and our mother says we have to be friends, becuase we are only he and me, no more brothers or sisters. So I like this picture, because we look so friendly, and I really liked we will be friends.This picture is in the studio, in front to the computer, next to the bookcase, so I see it all days. And if some day you go to my house, and entry in the studio you could see this picture.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My Most Precious Possesion

My most precious possesion is my cellphone, I know it isn`t so sentimental, but it is vey important for my. I don`t use the cellphone just for call. I use it as a callendary, as a agenda, I take notes, I send messages. I have a very bad memory, so the cellphone help me to remember all that I have to do. I don`t use watch, because it is uncomfortable, so I see the time in my celphone. I don`t remeber the birthdays, so I write it in the callendary, and it rings to warn me in the morning to remember me that birthay, so I always can call o visit to that person. In the morning, I wake up with the alarm, and if i don`t turn off, it sounds every 9 minutes. When i need send an e-mail, I can use my celphone. I can listen music, or see some videos, or whatever. I know that a cellphone is so material, and it is no so significant for the people, but I think, my cellphone is my brain.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My Last Vacation.

In the last summer, in February actually, I went to Icalma, a lake in IX region to Araucanía. This place is udicated in "Cordillera de los Andes" close to volcano "Lonquimay" and is the beginig of the Bio-Bio river. I went there with my brother Paulo, with my cousins Valentina and Claudio, with my aunt Irene and my uncle Roberto. That place is a campsite, so we stay there in a tent. In the day we used to walk in the montains, near the lake, or swam in the lake. The men used go to fish, and the women sleep in the beach. We climb a montain, but it was a little mountain. We went to a aniversary`s party to the locality, we ate a tipical "Asado al palo", it is meat put next to the fire for so much time, a two or trhee hours.The weather was strange; in the morning it was cold but not so much, the rest of the day was so hot, and the night was very, very, cold. We had to sleep with pijama and so much cloth, it was awful.Some days rained, but it wasn´t a problem because in that days we made "sopaipillas" and enjoy singing, talking or playing something.The most remarkable event happened: the last night in the lake, we was ordered our things, all was dark, and for a time the sky was ilumened, it was beutiful, the sky was like at dawn. My aunt was very scared, but she dosen´t say that. After a 8 or 10 secnds the sky return to their normal state. In the next morning we listened in the radio, about this, and they said that was a electric torment in the volcano. I will never forget that summer because when we was child we went all summer there since 1993, but in the last 5 years we went to other place, so all of us was so exited in the lake, it was like when we was boys and girls.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My best friend.

My best friend is Constanza, but for my she is Cony, i met her 6 years ago, in the school,when we was in 7º grade, the teacher order us sit together so we had to do that. we are friends since that day.
My dearest memory about her: three days before our graduation, in 8º grade, my grandfather died, so with my family we had to travel and i can`t go to our graduation`s party. My calssmates asks she where i was, so she had to tell everybody, in the graduation`s dinner, about my grandfather`s death. i apreciate that, because she is so shy.After that she calls me and say " if you are sad, i can`t celebrate, this party is over for my if you don`t be here" and then she go home.
About Coni, i like her happiness, she is always make me laugh. She never is complicated for problems, she thinks her life is beauty and she enjoy it everyday. but i dislike that she is a person without respect for other people, she sleep in class, she talk in ceremonies, eat in theatre, etc.
One day, with others classmates, we decide entry to a prohibited place in the school, and when we was in, a teacher heard us, and we had to flee.
I envy about Coni, her musical talent, she is fantastic playing the piano, clarinet, guitar, etc. She will be a great artist, i love her music.If i could give her something, i think that will be a room with all the musical instrument in the world, so she could play erveryone she wants.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

The Beginnig

Hello visitants! Welcome to my world, my name is Andrea, i`m from a little locality in south of Chile, but i live in Santiago for many years.
This is my first blog, so i`m not an expert in write notes or articles, but i hope i can learn with this work, and i hope learn more English too, because it`s very impomportant in our labour life.I don`t know so much english, like some classmates, so i sholud study hard for be in the same level of the class.
Well this is all for now, i see you in the next.