jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My Career

I`m studing Public Administration. The career it is about the adinistration to the state, we work for the goverment, it is about the publics affairs, we administrate the public finances. I choice this career because I wanna work for make real changes. The people always say that all in the goverment is bad, but they never do something for change it, so I decided entry here for make changes. I like about it the multidisciplinary approach, we study histoty, economy, law, sociology, administration, filosofy, etc. so you are a very complete profesional. But I dislilke about it the building of the school, because it is in a poor condition, and it is small. I hope learn about the work in the state, for be a good worker, I hope work for make a better country, I wanna build a nation with oportunities for all the people.

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