jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

About my Future.

In five years from now, I will be finished my career, so I will go to study in France, in the E.N.A (The Nacional School of Administration). Then I will return to Chile, and I will work in the Minister of Education. I will make some reforms to improve the public education sistem, because I think education is the most important work for finish with the poor,so if Chile wish be a development country, we should get better the education. When I will return from France, I will live with my parents for a time, and after a few month I will live alone in an aparment in the dowtown. My ideal future is work for the people. My hapiness is in make happy the other people, so I don`t care the money, or be a famous person. I wanna work, and have some time for spend with my family, or friends, or working with the poor people.

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