martes, 16 de junio de 2009

About Mr. Ken Robinson exposure

I think this video is very interesting, because Ken Robinson talks about the public educations systems around the world. He says the schools prepares children for their futures and teaches the same subjects and with the same focus as the XIX century schools. So the children are prepares to entry in the university, for work, and for live without mistakes, their couldn´t fail. Mr. Robinson says all children have an amazing creativity, but the educational program taught them to use only intellectual tools and it doesn´t consider artistic skills. Personally, I think Mr. Robinson is right, but we can´t bring the system as the only guilty in this situation. In our days there are others schools calls “alternatives”. In this school, the children learn math, language, science and history, but they learn music, dance, drama, arts, and many others things. But the parents doesn´t choose it, because society prefer students from traditional education system.

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