jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in my area

I think the best is Javiera Carrera. She fight over our independence with her brothers, in a stage in wich the women wasn`t important for society. When her brother, Jose Miguel, was the supreme director, she makes the first flag of our country, and the coat of arms. A writer in this period said she was the Jose Miguel`s politic councillor. I admire she, because she was A woman fighting with many others men, so she has to fight her own independence batlle against the male thought, and prove that she was as inteligent and capable as men. She was a very valient woman. After the independence, when the supreme diretor was Bernardo O`Higgins, the Carrera brothers, Jose Miguel, Juan Jose and Luis, was killed, she has to inter her brothers. She was married two times, but she never change her last name for her housband last name. She was a free woman, before Chile was a free country.

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