jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job would be one in where I could work in a poor community, work in field to help them, maybe in a town council, or in a NGO. For this kind of jobs you need to be a sociable person, you need to be creative, organized, and you need to be patient and diplomatic, because when you work with many people probably some differences emerge or problems among the work group. But the most important, you need be there on your own accord. This is very important, you need to work in a place where you are happy. I think I would be good in this job because I really wanna work with the people, I am studying this carreer to make changes in their lives. But not big changes, I don`t intent to be famous or change the world, maybe make them feel important for somebody, could change their lives. Find a job like this isn`t really complicated, because most of the people don`t wanna work with the communities, in our days the most important is the money, so working for little money isn´t the first option for them.

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