jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

My Last Vacation.

In the last summer, in February actually, I went to Icalma, a lake in IX region to Araucanía. This place is udicated in "Cordillera de los Andes" close to volcano "Lonquimay" and is the beginig of the Bio-Bio river. I went there with my brother Paulo, with my cousins Valentina and Claudio, with my aunt Irene and my uncle Roberto. That place is a campsite, so we stay there in a tent. In the day we used to walk in the montains, near the lake, or swam in the lake. The men used go to fish, and the women sleep in the beach. We climb a montain, but it was a little mountain. We went to a aniversary`s party to the locality, we ate a tipical "Asado al palo", it is meat put next to the fire for so much time, a two or trhee hours.The weather was strange; in the morning it was cold but not so much, the rest of the day was so hot, and the night was very, very, cold. We had to sleep with pijama and so much cloth, it was awful.Some days rained, but it wasn´t a problem because in that days we made "sopaipillas" and enjoy singing, talking or playing something.The most remarkable event happened: the last night in the lake, we was ordered our things, all was dark, and for a time the sky was ilumened, it was beutiful, the sky was like at dawn. My aunt was very scared, but she dosen´t say that. After a 8 or 10 secnds the sky return to their normal state. In the next morning we listened in the radio, about this, and they said that was a electric torment in the volcano. I will never forget that summer because when we was child we went all summer there since 1993, but in the last 5 years we went to other place, so all of us was so exited in the lake, it was like when we was boys and girls.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My best friend.

My best friend is Constanza, but for my she is Cony, i met her 6 years ago, in the school,when we was in 7º grade, the teacher order us sit together so we had to do that. we are friends since that day.
My dearest memory about her: three days before our graduation, in 8º grade, my grandfather died, so with my family we had to travel and i can`t go to our graduation`s party. My calssmates asks she where i was, so she had to tell everybody, in the graduation`s dinner, about my grandfather`s death. i apreciate that, because she is so shy.After that she calls me and say " if you are sad, i can`t celebrate, this party is over for my if you don`t be here" and then she go home.
About Coni, i like her happiness, she is always make me laugh. She never is complicated for problems, she thinks her life is beauty and she enjoy it everyday. but i dislike that she is a person without respect for other people, she sleep in class, she talk in ceremonies, eat in theatre, etc.
One day, with others classmates, we decide entry to a prohibited place in the school, and when we was in, a teacher heard us, and we had to flee.
I envy about Coni, her musical talent, she is fantastic playing the piano, clarinet, guitar, etc. She will be a great artist, i love her music.If i could give her something, i think that will be a room with all the musical instrument in the world, so she could play erveryone she wants.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

The Beginnig

Hello visitants! Welcome to my world, my name is Andrea, i`m from a little locality in south of Chile, but i live in Santiago for many years.
This is my first blog, so i`m not an expert in write notes or articles, but i hope i can learn with this work, and i hope learn more English too, because it`s very impomportant in our labour life.I don`t know so much english, like some classmates, so i sholud study hard for be in the same level of the class.
Well this is all for now, i see you in the next.